In Maryland, both parents are legally obligated to support their child(ren), even if they are separated, divorced or have never been married. Simply stated, child support is the Court’s method of ensuring that children receive the care they need from both parents. However, this can be a major source of contention when the parents are no longer together. The attorneys here at the Law Offices of Kerri Cohen have extensive experience dealing with these often contentious issues.
The Maryland Legislature created Child Support Guidelines to calculate the amount of support one parent must pay to the other to support their child(ren), based on several factors including:
The Maryland Legislature created Child Support Guidelines to calculate the amount of support one parent must pay to the other to support their child(ren), based on several factors including:
Gross income of each parent;
Amount of time each parent has with the child(ren);
Health insurance costs;
Child care expenses that are work related;
Extraordinary medical expenses; and
Child support/alimony paid already paid in other matters.

In the majority of cases, only the Maryland Child Support Guidelines are applied, however Courts have discretion in a limited number of special circumstances when it would be unjust to only apply the Guidelines. For example, for parents who make more than $15,000 gross per month combined, the courts have more discretion and may consider some additional factors, such as:
The child(ren)’s needs and actual expenses;
The child(ren)’s lifestyle; and
Total parental income.
The Law Offices of Kerri Cohen assists clients in determining the appropriate amount of child support that should be ordered and will guide you through the complexities of the law. The attorneys here are ready to help you with all types of child support cases, including cases which involve complex issues such as:
Determining the true income of a self-employed parent;
Paren hiding income and/or assets;
Unemployed parent;
Children needing support after the age of 18; and
Extraordinary circumstances that require deviating from the Maryland Child Support Guidelines;
Child support arrears
Clients trust the Law Offices of Kerri Cohen to provide them with guidance and advocacy in child support proceedings. Our office understands that every case if different and we pursue each client’s interest, while explaining each step of the process. Contact our office today to speak to a knowledgeable child support attorney about your specific case. Whether you need help with initial child support determination, enforcement of payment of child support or modification of child support, we can help you so call (410) 657-2515 now. Our office is located a few blocks from the Baltimore County Circuit Court and District Courts. Parking is available and we accept all credit cards. You deserve the best possible outcome.